Tax Audit Insurance
Running a business is challenging at the best of times. Get the right cover to safeguard your company and employees so you can focus on growing your business whilst protecting you from the risks and potential liabilities that come with running your company.


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Tax Audit Insurance
A tax audit can be very time consuming and expensive, including time preparation time and time responding to audit findings. The most common Audits are those undertaken by the ATO in relation to personal or business returns, however compliance audits are also becoming more common, particularly those in relation to Payroll Tax obligations.
Protect your company from the unexpected costs associated with complying with a random audit with Tax Audit cover. Tax Audit insurance covers the professional fees (eg accountant fees) incurred to respond to an official audit, enquiry, investigation or review of returns lodged with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) or other federal, state or territory government revenue agency.
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